"Train the Trainer" FAQ

Answers to common questions

  • How long will it take to complete this course?

    This class runs for 6 hours, with a lunch break during the class. The class runs from 09:00AM - 03:00PM.

  • Do I need to bring a lunch?

    Your registration includes a lunch. Commonly pizza or subs are served for lunch. If you have dietary needs, it is suggested to bring the appropriate food for your individual needs.

  • Will I receive a completion certificate?

    Yes, you will receive a completion certificate on the day of the course, and also electronically after the class.

  • How long does my Train the Trainer certification last?

    While there is no expiration date for credentials for a trainer, we suggest that a trainer gets refreshed every three years on safe forklift operations - the same as the requirement for forklift operators.

  • What do I do if I want to sign up more than one person?

    You can choose to purchase tickets for multiple attendees on the registration page. Have each person create an account on the web page. A single purchase can be done rather than 2 or 3 separate transactions, for your convenience. The certificates and wallet cards will be made available to the registered users on the website.